Monday, September 4, 2017

spider nz

New zealand is situated in the pacific ocean the southern hemisphere. It's a small country compared to australia. New zealand has only three different of poisonous spiders. The katipo,red-back and the white tail. let's go find deeper info on spiders .

The female black katipo has a rounded body with red hourglass shape underneath. Males are smaller than the females. The males are colour black and white. Katipo are found on sandy beaches sand dunes and other ventilation.
The redback spider has an hourglass shape body. It is black with a red line on the back and it has 8 legs. the red back spider is only the size of a garden pea.

The white tail spider is from southern and east australia. The white tail is brown with a white tail . if you look closely you can see there hairy legs   



  1. good facts
    good paragraphs
    next time have a summary at the end

  2. GREAT facts and detail
    Good sequence and paragraphing
    Next time u could put in ur S.O.S

  3. good facts

    good paragraphing

    and good detail

  4. Good descriptive language
    Cool Facts
    next time add in the sos and lg
